Monday, May 18, 2009

bountiful temple

davey had a wedding
last saturday

i took some
pictures for fun.

the flowers were
amazingly beautiful.

here's one with the
groom and his niece.
i thought it was sweet.


Anonymous said...

So pretty!!! You're amazingly talented my friend.

Kenna said...

Those pics are beautiful. It was the perfect day for a wedding. I think it is so awesome that you help dave with the photos

Stephanie-jean Life:SemiCrunchy said...

My cousin took that picture at Memory Grove... we love it! I need to get better about blogging more!

Kenna said...

So I got your comment. Our address is 943 East 7oo South, it is a little duplex and we are on East side. We will be home and around this weekend. Friday after 7pm, Saturday after 2pm, Sunday all day, or just anytime. Feel free to call also. mine 435-840-4285... Aarons 801-910-2159.